7 reasons why you should use natural materials for Festive Dining!
by Brand Team

It’s 2021 and Table staging is for real a vocation for so many eco-conscious yet romantic at heart souls!
Range of DaisyLife Kitchenware
We at DaisyLife headquarters for one are determined to celebrate these Green Hearters by letting our dining table go au natural in style with Bamboo baskets and platters lined with? Yeah, you got it right!
We are going very old-school by styling our unprocessed and raw serve-wares with edible leaves, and here’s why you should do it too!
1. AESTHETICALLY DREAMY: It’s festive season and using these various patterns and weaves at your table gives it an undeniably vintage appeal that in itself is drool-worthy! The greens from the edible leaves added to these Crown baskets simply enhance the rustic drama of it all.
2. INVITE NATURE INDOORS: For the wanderer at heart, flaunting this loosely braided wicker basket is the best way to have an outdoorsy picnic indoors. Many kinds of edible leaves are used for serving since ages, and we are pretty sure you’ll find a couple of these near you if you go foraging!
3. BOND WITH FAMILY: When celebrations are on the house, we need all hands on the deck. Setting your table up with Bamboo baskets and leafy greens can be a fun activity for you and your family or friends. These homely baskets will stir up nostalgia surely from the days of carefree childhood, for who among us hasn’t had a lunch or two on big banana leaves or pattals?

4. ECO-FRIENDLY: As the mother earth beckons us to be more aware of our daily life choices more so now than ever, it is the perfect way to keep your green heart happy as you use bamboo and wicker baskets instead of multi-processed serve wares from the fast market.
Flat Wicker Plate , Oval wicker basket, Snack bowl baskets
5. LEAFY & SENSORY EXPERIENCE: Lining with edible leaves stimulates the senses in more ways than one, it naturally initiates the appetite while being a visual romance. Also, aren’t these already a winner for they will decompose ever so naturally and save you from the guilt of using processed plastic or paper.
6. MULTI-PURPOSE BASKETS: The handwoven baskets are as handy as can be. We are almost naming these magic bamboo platters for if you want to pack a couple goodies quickly for your loved one after a scrumptious party, you can use these as a cute hamper packaging too! How cool is that?
7. ADD TO OVERALL WELLNESS: In the end, it’s all about love and harmony and there's no better alternative to natural materials in your daily routine for a life full of abundance and wellness! These handwoven beauties in raw, unprocessed bamboo do just that, tune you with nature and more!
So need we say any more! Pack a picnic with these or lay a table for a celebration at home full of boisterous laughter and amusing tales about who saw a bamboo basket being used how at all!