"We're part of the solution". From nature-based solutions to climate, health issues, food and water security, and sustainable livelihoods, biodiversity is the foundation upon which we can build back better is the main message from the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), key international instrument for sustainable development.
Biological Diversity
Biodiversity is a term used to portray the gigantic assortment of life on Earth. It very well may be utilized all the more explicitly to refer to the entirety of the species around there or biological system. Biodiversity refers to to each living thing, including plants, microscopic organisms, creatures, and people. Researchers have assessed that there are around 8.7 million types of plants and creatures in presence. Notwithstanding, just around 1.2 million species have been distinguished and portrayed up until this point, the majority of which are bugs. This implies that huge number of different creatures stay a total secret. (Source: National Geographic)
What are the issues with biodiversity?
The root issues of biodiversity can be traced back to the impact of individuals on the world's biological system, truth be told people have profoundly adjusted the climate, and have an altered the area, misusing the species straightforwardly, for instance by fishing and chasing, changing the biogeochemical cycles and moving species starting with one region then onto the next of the Planet.
Our actions have an adverse effect on the planet. Some of the effects seem on a wide scale are habitat loss and degradation, climate change, excessive nutrient load and other forms of pollution, over-exploitation, unsustainable use, disappearance of endangered species, invasive alien species etc.
How are we part of the solution?
We're often so wrapped with our own lives we seem to be living as beings that are complete strangers to the large ecosystem we're actually a part of on the planet. Even though we heavily rely on electronics and other manmade gadgets in our daily lives, a huge part of our living relies on the gifts and resources we've borrowed from nature. From the clothes we wear to the food and cutlery on our table.
In continuation to last year's theme "Our solutions are in nature" meant biodiversity is key to sustainable living and better life on the planet. One that creates a future free from the smog and slush filled with pollutants.
Our lives now comprise of various problems with climate, food, health, water - security and the flora and fauna that also suffer around us. Together with biodiversity as our solution we can build a better livelihood not only for ourselves but also the ecosystems we seem to have forgotten about.
What can you do #ForNature?
"We are a part of nature not apart from nature"
We're all a dot that connects to a grand design, a part of one large masterpiece. Being self-aware and making appropriate decisions that do not pollute or harm our surroundings while also creating awareness with a tap on our phones can take us to a better place that where we are now.
Switching to natural sustainable material products, keeps the ecology safe. Fast solutions like plastic cause harm and improper disposal causes damage to life on land, air and water. Implementing the 3R's i.e. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle helps consume mindfully.
There's a lot an individual can do indoors to help protect the ecosystems around us. It's about getting a bit mindful, accepting little changes, a little bit of care for the space we occupy.
- Like planting saplings native to our local surroundings this helps build up our ecosystem.
- Saving water at home by closing taps instead of leaving them running and saving up water during a shower can prove to be helpful too.
- Save vegetation in and around your locality and keep away from causing harm to them.
- Proper disposal of waste can help reduce levels of production, one of the ways is creating a compost in your garden.
- Consider and choose sustainable materials. It's easy to make these little changes which more often than not, improve the quality of day to day life as well without really being a compromise. Using sustainable alternatives for daily use is an effective solution to care for the planet and everything on it including ourselves.
Our relationship with nature is broken. If we look back at how our grand parents interacted with nature, there was a lot of love and care. Busy city life has created a disconnect and makes it difficult to understand or care similarly for Nature. Progress need not come at this cost. We can grow together consciously.
Be kind to Nature. Treat her with kindness just as you would to a family member. There is power is building back our relationship. when nature is harmed so are we. Our choices drove the air to be polluted this in turn has an impact as we breathe the same air we've polluted. Being thoughtful and respectful to everything that lives on the planet drives us to be stewards of the earth paving way for sustainable living.
Natural interactions with nature in everyday life.