Wildflowers @Club Daisy
The natural flow of creativity, million dollar ideas and things that can't stay in for long!
by DaisyLife

Keeping the little, unnoticed places clutter free, makes space for all the beautiful things in our life.Our wide range of baskets in different shapes and sizes serve exactly this purpose- keeping your spaces neat and beautiful.Natural, handmade simple designs with an understated elegance to enhance your life. These baskets are adapted in simple ways around our modern city homes.On these lines, we asked Shilpa, a fashion designer working on popular brands and who's home needs to keep her fresh and creative to tell us her thoughts on how her space works for her to get into the flow! We were left laughing reading her piece written with utter honesty!Shilpa is the modern, free, single woman who strongly values her individuality, is passionate about her career and goes after her dreams with as much gusto as she roots herself to her home, her love for traditions, belief in family and bond with nature! You have to read what she had to say!Enter Shilpa-"When DaisyLife asked me to contribute to their blog, I was excited, exhilarated & enthralled..Why, you ask?Well! Because I love their products. They look amazing, are handmade and as sustainable as can be. They come wrapped in this silky sheer bag which makes you feel like a princess. (I am a sucker for great packaging)But then I started wondering… what should I write about?A difficult question which stayed in my head for days together. Constantly tossing ideas out of my head, I almost gave up.And then that fine Monday morning, I woke up and went straight to the place I call “heaven”. Sitting on “THE POT”, I pondered over a text from an old college friend, who tried to remind some of us about the days of freedom… the pre covid, pre-job, pre-EMI days of freedom…Going back into the past is sometimes fun. I remembered my days as a young student at NIFT. With a sketch book in the hand, I believed I would change the world one dress at a time. Little did I know that my brain would betray when I needed it the most. Just when I needed that new idea, my brain would decide to nap or wander or think of papdi chaat or the new Shah Rukh Khan movie (Fineeee, I am a little old)…but you get the drift right?One thing my brain did just fine was come up with ideas when you least expect them. And you guessed it right, it came up with brilliant ideas, the kind that could change the course of history and make me rule the Paris runways. But they all came to me when I was unarmed.No pen, no paper, sitting alone on the poop pot.Time and again I felt defeated by my brain, when it came up with these amazing thoughts, only to be forgotten by the time I get my arms in place.It was a weird paradigm… When I had a pen and paper in hand, I had no idea in my brain. But when I did have an idea, there was no pen or paper around.So finally, I did what any intelligent human would do. I kept my humble sketch book and a pen in my washroom. Where once sat the toilet roll, now sat the sketch book.The four years went by with my sketch book and brain singing Beethoven symphonies in my bathroom. The ideas from that humble commode made it to a runway (Not the Paris ones) as part of my final year graduation show. Slim tall models wore those ideas and strutted them on the ramp with panache. Little did they know, their place of origin!You guessed it right, the idea to write this piece also came there and I'm happily typing out this blog and loving all the time I spend in my pretty loo!"Have you ever wondered why do the best ideas come on the pot? The time when we are completely happy to be where we are, absolutely guilt free, indulging in the most natural body function and our mind is free to wander!No where else to be at the moment and nothing is more important. A favourite place for most of us in the modern city world!_______
Know more about Shilpa on Instagram @shilpa.pol
How to take care of your baskets? Read here!
Taste the flavours of nature with recipes from Cafe DaisySee our range of natural material multi-purpose basketsRead about Nature in daily lifeKnow more about Human & Nature interactionsReal life experiences and learnings in Your Stories______________Sign up to our newsletter here to get updates on products, deals, discounts and more such storiesConnect with us on Instagram: @daisylife.in to see natural material products in DaisyLife.Want to read more? Check out our blog #DaisyLifeDiaries
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